Saturday, February 6, 2010

Death Valley

Thursday and I'm off to Death Valley- claim to fame- in 1913 recorded America's hottest temperature- 134 degrees Fahrenheit (haven't learned to convert yet so let's just assume that this is HOT) and has the Western Hemisphere's lowest land point- 282 feet below sea level.

There is actually some remarkable scenery. Picture, if you will, a futuristic sci-fi movie in which humans have destroyed all life as we know it and the new world order involves strangely coloured minerals moving very very slowly (a couple of inches every million years). The valley is very wide and steep-sided with rocky peaks and outcrops capped with snow (in winter anyway). These rocks come in all the colours of the rainbow and are enhanced by the stark, arid whiteness of the valley floor salt flats. It is a landscape of geological and meteorological extremes.

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