Saturday, July 3, 2010

For Bob

This morning I received a phone call from home to say, sadly, that my Grandfather, Bob, has passed away. Wherever you are now, Pop, I hope you are at peace.

I visited two of the places that make this area famous. The first was Antelope Island, which is in the Great Salt Lake. It is a fairly barren island but is home to quite a large herd of bison which I was lucky to see. They are imposing-looking beasts but looked pretty harmless as they grazed on the edge of the lake.

The second stop was Park City where the downhill events of the 2002 Winter Olympics were held. Needless to say the area looks a bit different at this time of the year to what it did during the games! There is a good museum and our Alisa Camplin is featured a few times (first Aussie woman to win a gold medal at a winter olympics - now does toothpaste ads).

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